General Practice Info

How Do I Join the Practice?

You can join the Practice by collecting a registration form from reception, complete this and hand it back in to us with a form of ID. Alternatively you can download a copy of this here: 

I live outside Hawick / Gala, am I in the catchment?

Our catchment area is not limited to Hawick or Gala. Please check our catchment area section in our website or phone the practice and we will be happy to help you.

I have changed address, how do I inform you and what info do I need ?

You can call the practice with your new and previous address details and we can update your records, or you can collect a change of address form from reception and fill this in to be handed back in to reception.

How do I book an appointment?

You can book an appointment by calling the practice on 01450 372276 (Hawick) or 01896 661355 (Gala).

Can I order prescriptions online?

You can order repeat prescriptions online if you are registered for Patient Access. If you are not yet registered for Patient Access, you can collect a form from reception and we will send you out log in details for this.

How do I make a complaint or suggestion?

We would kindly request that any complaints or issues are discussed with the practice manager Kat Lowrie. Please contact reception and advise them of your wish to do so, alternatively a complaints form can be obtained through reception.